Busy As A Bee

Gemma Clark
4 min readApr 26, 2020


So the past couple of weeks, I haven’t felt like my usual self. I felt eaten up by anxiety, thoughts and feelings. I’d been experiencing headaches, nothing to worry about though. If anything I think it was more to do with the amount of noise going on in my head taking up unnecessary airtime! But to better help myself, other than resting when needed aka ‘nana napping’, I ensured I separated my work-from-home days, from the weekends.

Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash

I’ve used my rest time to read; something I love! I have to admit I am a book worm. If I’m not reading a paperback, I’m reading on my Kindle. I have a confession I am one of those people that sniffs the pages of a new book. The fresh ink scent reminds me of wax crayons for some reason. I much prefer an actual book over a Kindle version. One of the reasons I have a Kindle is because sometimes I get impatient and cannot wait for the delivery of a book! One thing I have realised though is that I can save a lot of money downloading books, they come at a fraction of the cost.

I have also taken time to enjoy doing some baking; Old skool Butterscotch Tart and Jam & Coconut Sponge with Pink Custard, although I had a little accident with the red food colouring and the custard ended up purple! Oops!

The children have enjoyed and complimented my baked treats, which makes it all the more worthwhile :)

I quite enjoyed this baking malarkey, something I never appeared to have time for before, or admittedly couldn’t be bothered too. I am, however reevaluating how I should manage my time better when life returns to our regular routines. Rather than getting tied up and running around like a headless chicken trying to fulfil everyone else’s needs, I am going to slow the pace.

My eldest daughter has also set me a challenge and is helping me get my butt in shape! She has set me the task of participating in the Squat Challenge. This will not only shape my butt, but it will also tone my thighs. It was pretty shocking to the system at first. I was left with shaky legs and daren’t even attempt the stairs until the feeling had worn off! But I am on track now and today’s quantity of squats to do is 90! I am sweating thinking about it.

I managed to get some study time in this week and have submitted my second to last assignment. I am eagerly awaiting my result. The next week or two, I will find myself constantly checking my emails.

With the glorious warm weather on our side, my husband, daughter, and I have thrown ourselves into sorting the garden. So far we’ve tided the borders, trimmed the hedge, relocated some plants and planted some bee-bombs. I cannot wait until these are in full bloom. There’s something about wildflowers and the array of colour that relaxes me. And low and behold I decided to build a raised garden bed, not sure why I came up with the idea but I am sure it will be fun. We are going to try and grow some vegetables! I’m thinking carrots to start, more so because my husband dislikes carrots hahaha!

I’ve ordered some fence paint and some other gardening materials and these should arrive over the coming week, and in between the showers that are predicted this week, we’ll get round to giving the fence a fresh lick of paint. Fingers crossed the rain holds off until the evenings. The change in weather isn’t going to stop me from being productive though. On my list of jobs to do is ‘revamping the hallway’. We haven’t touched it since buying the house. If the weather is pants come next weekend meaning, we can’t work in the garden. I intend to start stripping the hallway. I just hope I can get hold of some paint before I make a start. I don’t like the thought of queuing at the local B&Q store just to get some paint. Let’s hope I can get some online.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

If like me, your head is full of ideas, I’ve decided it’s time to get those ideas out from the head and onto paper. I have plans for inside the home and outside the home. I am going to create ‘mood board’ for each project. I have mulled over ideas for projects for months, possibly years. My phone has screenshots of gardens, rooms and products. I have more pictures of those things on my phone than I do of my kids. It is time to throw them pictures together and to envision the outcomes better. This should also help ease the background noise in my head. Hopefully, I will feel refreshed and calmer in mind.

I have found by pottering about at the weekend I have not only felt pleased with myself and grateful for the help of my husband, but I feel proud of myself for accomplishing something. I am not going to overexert myself, that would be daft, I will tire myself and end up feeling exhausted. Pottering helps pass the time and creates the feeling that lockdown is flying by.

Hopefully, when this is all over I will have done all my ‘to do jobs’, and then we can just enjoy our new found freedom visiting friends and family and the seaside :)

I would love to know what tasks and projects you’ve set yourself. Feel free to share your accomplishments :)

Stay safe, healthy and sensible x



Gemma Clark

Mum of 4, wife, full-time employee and student. Broad insight into mental health and emotional well-being…